If you want not just to save your fitness business but you want to grow it now and in 2021, it’s time to get busy. Look, these things are going to be very relevant for the next couple years if not forever, but right now they’re absolute musts.
The last quarter of the year is a time of planning, and of planting. You are planting seeds that may get you business now, but they absolutely will set you up for success starting in January. And if you’re reading this in the middle of summer later, it doesn’t matter. This is always information that sets you up for a bigger next quarter.
3 Things to Do Before 2021
- Have a strong online presence
- Know the words that repel people, especially now
- Ask and offer so the right people say yes
What’s the ONE thing that will increase your sales, without a HUGE advertising budget?

An EMAIL LIST made up of your ideal prospective customers. How do you grow your email list?
It’s all in here…
Get the guide now…
(yours free, for a limited time!)
Before I dive into these 3 things:
I’m thinking about opening a special mastermind for female trainers who want to work with midlife women and rock their world and the Flipping 50 movement. I’m still defining the details with my team. If you need help creating a marketing plan, looking at your data, focusing on the right things, getting known as an expert in a niche, and getting more revenue right now and you want support from someone who’s done it, just send a response and let me know you want more info. I’ll share more info with you.
I’ll be presenting at three different fitness conferences in the next couple months so if you’re interested in securing a spot in this beta group before the 10 spots fill up, just respond here.
For a few quick tips on how to do each of these three things, read on.
Create a strong online presence
To save your fitness business right now you can’t avoid this. It doesn’t matter if you’re downtown, across the street, or on the only street in town. They are finding you online and looking for information online all times of day. They’ll find it. The question is, will it be you giving it?
These are musts:
Get good on video.
Find your unique voice – you have to have a brand style
Leverage your online presence for business. The presence comes first. Then you strategically ask, you don’t sell on your platform.
Know words that repel vs attract
Start using words that are compelling to your customer. Stop using words that repel – too many fitness professionals don’t even realize that “don’t” and “can’t” ruin their results.
Get your copywriting edge and ditch your English 101 mentality.
Then start testing what works. That begins by using insights. After that create two options and split test.
Ask and offer so someone wants to say yes
First, count the number of times you’ve asked in the past week. This week double it.
Then, make sure there are at least 2 of 16 components that make it irresistible
(there’s urgency and there’s a bonus)
Avoid being cheap and affordable: you get clients you don’t want
Accept and expect that two things should happen every time you send an email with an offer: you get sales and you lose some subscribers. Expect it. Let your ego be okay with that.
These are actions you can both start now, get results now, and that will save your fitness business when more people are naturally flocking to solutions. If you wait, and assume January will be easier, you could already have lost a large slice of your niche to someone doing more in these next three months of the 4th quarter.

What’s the ONE thing that will increase your sales, without a HUGE advertising budget?
An EMAIL LIST made up of your ideal prospective customers. How do you grow your email list?
It’s all in here…
Get the guide now…
(yours free, for a limited time!)