Chances Are, You Have ZERO Education About MENOPAUSE Fitness Programming…

But now? You’re trying to coach or design workouts that honor women’s diverse muscle, bone, brain needs while she’s already exhausted, having night sweats, hot flashes and frequent injuries.

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No one is taught this in a basic certification or a 4-year degree

You can create multiple lucrative revenue streams right away.
No certification or degree prepares you for attracting, pricing packages, making profit and keeping the freedom of time we all crave…. until this business package.
Avoid getting left behind using “hope strategy” or even “hard work” to keep spending time and effort without results.

Position yourself for clients ready to invest in answers in hormone balancing exercise and longevity…

6,000 women enter menopause every day. By 2025 the number of women in menopause globally will be 1.1 Billion. So if you’re wondering if there’s room for you and if you can do this, absolutely YES.
The standard exercise prescription, based on position statements and outdated guidelines, will not work. In fact… those old methods can accelerate aging, increase inflammation and waste time that a woman in her second half of life can not afford.
This hormone balancing exercise specialist course and business plan helps you accommodate the physiology of menopause, physiology of exercise and honor injuries, endocrine status … all within your scope of practice.

The Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© & Fitness Marketing Academy

What you get with this hormone-balancing exercise expert program

Online Resources:

  • Self-paced online course access
  • 8+ Module signature course model & master coaching
  • Exclusive Expert coaching audios and transcript
  • Adrenal Fatigue, Bone Density, and Hormone Exercise Rx presentations
  • Certificate Quiz for your “Specialist” credential (and CEUs)

Time-saving Business Tools:

  • Client assessments waiting for your custom logo or contact info
  • Download and go!
  • Metric tracking tools
  • Recommended reading list
  • Resource list for growing affiliates and partnerships
  • Expert Network for career- expanding collaboration

Smart Investment Rewards:

  • 100% tax deductible
  • CEUs from respected organizations you need anyway
  • Lifetime access to the private FB group (learning/networking)
  • Lifetime access to course updates
  • Lifetime access to Business Building assets
  • Directory listing for consumer match

The Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist © & Fitness Marketing Academy solves business problems that another “certification” never will.

Coaching and Training:

  • Menopause Fitness Specialist Course with Master Coach training
  • 6 Months live Business coaching & Get Shit Done days
  • Coach training opportunities within Flipping50
  • Business & Brand building while you learn practical coaching skills

Business and Branding:

  • Launch plan (programs, services)
  • Website and social media audit, attention-getting bio
  • Client or self case study support
  • Programs and pricing support for market positioning
  • Email & Social Marketing Templates
  • Marketing and Course Templates (to personalize with your logo) ($1000 value)
  • Licensed use of the Specialist logo

Additional Resources:

  • Nominal renewal with eligible CEUs
  • 3 Monthly Hot seat sessions & library for 24/7 access for 6 months
  • 4 Revenue Stream opportunities for all Specialists
  • CEC Options for Renewal
  • Lifetime FB group access for collaborations and questions

People Say

“I got 5 new clients in 7 days by doing exactly what Debra said.”

Charleszetta Smith
“This is so comprehensive I’m so much more prepared to help women.”
Linda Wilson
“The business workshop was so thorough and gave me the framework and confidence to coach women.”
Kim Akins

Be a hormone-balancing menopause fitness specialist for your clients.

Be the expert who really knows how to help, develop lasting relationships with clients, and add new recurring revenue streams in your coaching business!

Gain a competitive edge and serve an adapting market by investing in the training to become a specialist for women in their 40s, 50s and 60s and 70s FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS

Menopause Fitness Specialist© Course & Fitness Marketing Academy Business

This is a business, not simply a course. An online specialty course combined with 6-month live coaching to expand your knowledge base, position your unique expertise and create and deliver premium services to your clients.

The Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© & Fitness Marketing Academy

Here are the Key Skills You’ll Gain as you become a hormone balancing exercise expert. Lear how to:

You can’t give every woman in menopause the same workout format or schedule. Turn your coaching into the true custom exercise prescription clients need.
This skill ensures you enjoy reliable, consistent, and predictable results for clients that comes from a proven framework.
This skill helps you understand the steps, sequence, and delivery of your unique program or service. It provides creative ideas you can use to play to your personal strengths and start strong or improve your current delivery method. You’ll observe it in real action from a meta level as you go through the course and then receive the coaching that explains why it was done that way.
This skill is based on the ability to define the highest priorities for your clients. It allows you to have the greatest amount of success with the least amount of confusion and overwhelm for your clients. You will underwhelm and overdeliver.
This skill helps you create an integrated, not isolated, plan that uses the skills you have as a trainer, instructor, or health coach, for comprehensive data collection. That allows multiple ways for clients to see and feel progress along the way.
This skill will help you break through online noise and understand what a prospective client, a lead, or a customer needs to hear before yes. You will identify what they are thinking and feeling so you can meet them where they are.

This skill helps you distinguish between menopausal hormone imbalance and more serious adrenal insufficiency or exercise.

This skill comes from observing two unique groups during your program. You’ll witness what can happen in a do-it-yourself course and the power of interaction among like-minded individuals who support each other in learning and asking. This skill will help you determine how to support your clients.
This skill will help you increase your career and revenue stream options as a trainer, health coach, or fitness instructor. With your personal definition of success, this skill will allow you to choose in real person sessions, group sessions, online live sessions, online recorded sessions/lessons or any combination of these.
This skill will allow you to stay in your scope of practice if you are not an R.D. or nutritionist by presenting the science. You’ll support client’s decision-making and enhance your value as a fitness & health coach.

Gain Insight from Exclusive Expert Interviews including:

Beyond science, is the art of working with women. Expand your network resources by identifying experts in areas related to but not covered by your own unique skills and knowledge.
Coaching Clients
to Change

The Prediabetes
Client Mindset

Emotional Eating
Barriers to Success
Coaching Boundaries
and Scope

Position yourself for clients ready to invest in answers

Too often clients with hormone imbalance requiring special programming are given a standard exercise prescription. They get worse. Those clients are seeking support, not finding enough options, and they’re ready to invest in the right answers.

  • The Menopause Fitness Specialist Program gives you training on specific hormone imbalancing issues and how to effectively support your clients
  • The Fitness Marketing Academy will coach you to position yourself in a market hungry for answers and willing to invest in getting the right guidance.

6,000 women per day start experiencing side effects that make them ready to invest in credible support

More than 75% of clients who hire a health or fitness coach are women. Currently less than 20% of women lift weights 2 or more times a week. Only 39% of all sports medicine and exercise research features women.

Women go through on average 7 unique hormone changes in their lives, (that each demand a unique exercise prescription).

This course and bonuses includes information often overlooked on everything for the woman pre, peri, and post menopause:

Who created the Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© & Fitness Marketing Academy?

40-year full-time fitness professional who IS in the boat rowing with you. At 60, I don’t just get the science, I get you. I’ve been working with women in midlife for 4 decades, and for the past decade exclusively with women in midlife/menopause to serve the huge gap between science and fitness programs available. Even if you’ve worked as a “personal trainer” there is a good chance you’ve had zero training in menopause fitness.

I train the trainers internationally on hormone-balancing fitness with the Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist. I’ve authored courses, and sit on advisory board of medical fitness organizations, serve as Subject Matter Expert for prestigious certification agencies, and been asked to contribute to books for others.

My TEDx talk title tells it all, Everything Women in Menopause Learned About Exercise May Be a Lie.

Debra Atkinson, Founder

Flipping 50

Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© & Fitness Marketing Academy

Online Resources:

  • Self-paced online course access
  • 8+ Module signature course model & master coaching
  • Exclusive Expert coaching audios and transcript
  • Adrenal Fatigue, Bone Density, and Hormone Exercise Rx presentations
  • Certificate Quiz for your “Specialist” credential (and CEUs)

Time-saving Business Tools:

  • Client assessments waiting for your custom logo or contact info
  • Download and go!
  • Metric tracking tools
  • Recommended reading list
  • Resource list for growing affiliates and partnerships
  • Expert Network for career- expanding collaboration

Smart Investment Rewards:

  • 100% tax deductible
  • CEUs from respected organizations you need anyway
  • Lifetime access to the private FB group (learning/networking)
  • Lifetime access to course updates
  • Lifetime access to Business Building assets
  • Directory listing for consumer match

For a Limited Time Get $1000 Off The One-Pay Option

$4997 $3997

Menopause Fitness Specialist +

Fitness Marketing Academy



One time payment, lifetime access

Menopause Fitness Specialist +

Fitness Marketing Academy



13 payment plan, lifetime access

Waiting list form

My Guarantee:
you have nothing to lose

Once you sign the Specialist agreement and have access to our proprietary content there is no refund. That said… this is where it gets juicy:

I guarantee you that if you “prove it to me” you’ve done the work during our 6 months together, if you don’t 10x your investment within 6 months, I will work with you until you do.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Frequently Asked Questions: Answers!

I know you’ve got questions… and I’ve got answers. We’re totally transparent about how we operate and why!

My Guarantee: You Have Nothing To Lose:
Once you sign the Specialist agreement and have access to our proprietary content there is no refund. That said… this is where it gets juicy: I guarantee you that if you “prove it to me” you’ve done the work during our 6 months together, if you don’t 10x your investment within 6 months, I will work with you until you do.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

When does training start?
The next training cohort begins July 2024. If you have a bonus session, you will meet with Debra for your private launch pad coaching prior to that.

No. I have Flipping 50 Fitness Specialists who just wanted the knowledge for themselves and friends, or who are nurses, yoga, Pilates or fitness instructors – even organization coaches –  and want to help their clients get better results or expand their services by narrowing their niche.

Yes. Look, women in menopause are going to seek trainers. If you care enough to dig into the things that make training a woman in menopause so different, my program will equip you with the resources and knowledge you need to do that. You’ll get the marketing tools that help you message them in a way they’ll want to work with you. Quite, frankly, the sooner anyone at any age recognizes there is a hormone balancing exercise difference, the healthier we’ll be.

Yes. The comprehensive program starts with you. You will start by experiencing my signature program as “a client” and we layer the coach training on top of it. You’ll get my proprietary process and understand how to teach it to your clients. If you’ve got your own struggles and experience your own transformation with hormone balancing exercise you will enhance your ability to reach clients and help them succeed. Your experience or “story” is an asset.

As a Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist©, you will be able to guide clients through a framework step-by-step based on their unique menopause experience. You will have tools to offer and know the pivots to make when something changes or there is a plateau. When hormones change, the hormone balancing exercise will change.

Immediately, as a Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist©, your value goes up. Imagine hiring a certified plumber vs a handyman. People expect to pay more for an expert. You will gain 3 more revenue streams with this business plan. You are not buying a “course” but a business builder.

You’re enrolling for 6 months of combined business building, coach skills and framework acquisition. The course itself includes 8 modules you’re prompted to do over 9 weeks. Some Flipping 50 Fitness Specialists© go through at an accelerated rate and others choose to pace themselves and then review before they’re ready to take the final quiz. I recommend 8-9 weeks to truly experience the course as your clients or customers would experience change over time. You will have access to course materials and quiz-taking prep for 1 year. 

Much of the Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist occurs as you apply the course yourself. You’ll have about 10 1-hour modules and masterclasses. It’s the time between the modules experiencing the coursework (as you live your daily life) that makes the difference. You’ll adapt the systems by practice. I recommend setting aside two hours a week for each module. Expert interviews aren’t test-content but you will want to watch!

The Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist© & Fitness Marketing Academy are the answer to our The combination of coaching (Private $5000/90 days = $10,000 value) with the Practical knowledge and application ($2997 value) in an affordable group setting with the added benefit of a network of others who want to change the way women age by changing the way they exercise through menopause. If you don’t 10x your investment in 180 days following the plan, I will work with you until you do. You can 10x your business much sooner. 

Get my proven business model to optimize your coaching business

A business plan including an online specialty course to expand your knowledge base, position your expertise and deliver premium services to your clients by building a business step-by-step without holes or gaps, so you don’t get left behind.
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Dr. Joan Rosenberg

Coaching Clients
to Change
Three-time TEDx speaker, bestselling author, consultant, media expert and cutting-edge psychologist Dr Joan Rosenberg is a globally respected innovative thinker, acclaimed speaker and trainer. As a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, she has been recognized for her thought leadership and influence in personal development. Dr. Rosenberg has been a featured expert in multiple documentaries, and on tv, radio, digital and print media. A California-licensed psychologist, Dr. Rosenberg speaks on how to build confidence, emotional strength, and resilience; how to achieve emotional, conversational and relationship mastery; communication and team building. An Air Force veteran, she is a professor of graduate psychology at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles, CA. Her latest book is 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience and Authenticity.

Dr. Beverly Yates

The Prediabetes Client mindset
Diabetes expert, author, and internationally recognized speaker Dr. Beverly Yates ND has over 28-years’ experience of working with those who struggle with blood sugar issues related to type 2 diabetes and prediabetes and feel like nothing works for them. She uses her systems engineering background as an MIT electrical engineer in combination with her naturopathic medicine skills to help people achieve and maintain blood sugar control. She is the author of Heart Health for Black Women: A Natural Approach to Healing and Preventing Heart Disease, and co-author of multiple books, including one with Jack Canfield, The Soul of Success, Vol. 2.

Tricia Nelson

Emotional Eating Barriers to Success
Tricia Nelson lost fifty pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. Tricia has spent over thirty years researching the hidden causes of the food addiction. Tricia is an Emotional Eating Expert and author of the #1 bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. She is also the host of the popular podcast, The Heal Your Hunger Show. Tricia is a highly regarded speaker and coach, and has been featured on The List, NBC, CBS, KTLA, FOX and Discovery Health, and has two TEDx talks on the topic of Emotional Eating.

Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

Coaching Boundaries and Scope

Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum trains people to become Functional Medicine health coaches because she believes that growing the health coaching profession will be the solution to combatting chronic disease and reducing healthcare costs.

As founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine, Sandra is a leader in the field of health coaching education. An educator and licensed clinical psychologist for over 35 years, she was a pioneer in blending Functional Medicine principles with positive psychology, cognitive-behavior therapy, and mind-body medicine. Dr. Scheinbaum is the author of How to Become a Health Coach, Functional Medicine Coaching and Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps.

Mindy Gorman-Plutzer

Eating Disordered

Mindy Gorman-Plutzer brings 2 decades of nutritional counseling experience to her private practice as a Certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner, Board Certified Integrative Health Coach, and Certified Eating Psychology Coach. She introduces a unique functional approach to simple and complex health issues relating to or resulting from disordered and addictive eating behaviors.

Mindy has combined her life experience with her extensive training to create a system of strategies that are a combination of functional nutrition, practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, body-centered practices, and mind-body science; introducing a positive and compassionate resolution to the physical and emotional challenges resulting from the afore-mentioned issues.

“My philosophy is to empathetically empower my clients to make nourishing lifestyle and nutritional choices as they learn to connect to the healthy wisdom of their bodies, allowing for sustainable and lasting recovery”

She is the author of The Freedom Promise: 7 Steps To Stop Fearing What Food Will Do TO You and Start Embracing What It Can Do FOR You (Balboa Press) and creator of an on-line program, “Stop Fearing Food and Start Loving Your Body: An Unconventional Approach to Say Goodbye to Your Disorder ed Eating for Good!” Mindy has appeared on Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio, Huffington Post Live, ABC, various syndicated radio shows and podcasts, written for Mind Body Green. She blogs regularly on all subjects related to mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Vincent Pedre

Integrative Health
Dr. Vincent Pedre is the Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health and Founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, nutraceutical consultant and spokesperson for NatureMD, CEO of Happy Gut Life LLC, and a Functional Medicine-Certified Practitioner with a concierge practice in New York City since 2004. He believes the gut is the gateway to excellent wellness. As the bestselling author of “HAPPY GUT®—The Cleansing Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy and Eliminate Pain,” featuring his proprietary ‘blueprint’ for healing the gut, the Gut C.A.R.E.® Program—he has helped thousands around the world resolve their gut-related health issues.