Want to Learn How I Absolutely Know That You Can Start a Business
After 40 and Thrive?

Sign up below and I’ll share my juicy, more than a little bit scary,
start to what is now a 6-figure a month business built in my mid-50s.

You Don’t Have to Pawn Jewelry For Facebook Ads Like I Did…

Today I’m loving the freedom and the flexibility of my schedule and the opportunity to travel and help my family. But it wasn’t long ago that I was in tears having to accept a loan from family members and pawning jewelry to pay for Facebook ads.

I did something scary at 49 and turned in my resignation. As a single mom. About to begin college tuition payments in 8 months. So, to answer your question, yes, the next day I panicked. And so many things in my life literally fell apart— no one would believe it if it were a movie.

You know when doors open for you that wouldn’t for anyone else, once you say yes?

Our Greatest Milestones

My Greatest Milestones

Started teaching aerobics with Reeboks, leg warmers and a boom box.
B.S. degree
I created a business card with a roller skate on it called “Fit-to-Go” and started delivering in-home personal training. I lasted 1 month, was offered a “real job”, and stuck the 495 business cards in a drawer.

Started marketing and managing group fitness and training and corporate fitness outreach.

M.S. Sports & Exercise Psychology

Hired to teach in Kinesiology at ISU.
Training clients in-home (theirs).


International fitness presenting began.


Group fitness program director - juggled
while still teaching.


Personal training director - juggled while
still teaching.

Left my academic position to focus on growing the expanding success in our personal training department. No more TIAA cref. Goodbye to one of my paychecks.

January 16 (after chickening out on the 15th),
I resigned. No more paycheck or insurance, or perks. I was officially the boss. I began figuring out online coaching and courses.
October I pawned jewelry to pay for Facebook ads.
December I listed my house for sale.


February 1 drove 10 hours to CO in tears to live with my niece without my house even under
contract. Dire straights.

Started The Flipping 50 podcast.


Published You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula for Women.


Shared a stage with JJ Virgin and Brendon Burchard.

Launched the Flipping 50 Membership (the first and only exclusively made for Menopause
Membership in the world).


Started Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist to teach the science and framework we use.


Submitted an application to TEDx about menopause fitness and was accepted in 2 days.


The pandemic hit and I was there waiting while everyone was scrambling.

Hit my first 6-figure month.

I created the Business bundle:
Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist + Fitness Marketing Academy. It includes detailed email and ad templates, customizable client forms, 5 hours of coaching per month for women supporting women in midlife.

What I Wanted Before I Leaped Was Freedom, Flexibility and to Make a Bigger Difference. Is That You Too?

Want a business where you determine how and when you work best, and who you want to work with? Where you can be creative while still relying on numbers to guide your decisions so you feel confident and in control of your own future.

If you want to wake up to purposeful and passion driven work with other midlife women searching for fitness solutions based on science but not finding them, I can show you how I did it.

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