Why Running Your Health Business Seems So Hard

Episode Thumbnail - Why Running Your Business Seems So Hard

If running your health business seems so hard and you’re busy plugging holes, fixing leaks only to realize you’ve got another hole in the roof, this is for you. 

The single most important question to ask… and it’s not … how much do you want to make, or do you want to coach high ticket offers vs big groups of people who pay you less… 

The single most important question to ask is: Who are you? 

That’s the question that you want to ask and nail the answer to. That alone will help you realize how to achieve flow and how to hire the right people to be around you. In order to identify why running your business seems so hard and get into a flow, we’re going to ask several questions today so you can …. Meet you. 


My Guest:

Joe Huff and his business partner Bridget Hilton are obsessed with experiences. As keynote speakers, co-authors of the book Experiential Billionaire and Treasure Maps card game, and self-proclaimed experiential guinea pigs, they are passionate about inspiring people to live intentional, regret-free lives by going after audacious goals. They’ve trained to be samurais, danced with the northern lights, tracked silverback gorillas in a hail storm, stood face-to-face with a hungry lion on safari, visited 50+ countries and all 50 states, absorbed life lessons from Maasai Mara tribesmen, built schools for kids in need, and explored the experiential riches life has to offer.

Questions we answer in this episode:

  • How do you assess your strengths and weaknesses objectively?
  • How do you know whether you need a compliment or a clone of you? 
  • What’s the definition of that? 
  • Do you know your strengths? How have you implemented them in the last week? 
  • What could you do better? What triggers you?

When staff say, they’re working on or describe their role as taking care of “The stuff and the things”… triggers me. When my team members who are integrators who are hired to pay attention to detail can’t articulate exactly what they are doing, and use this nondescript way of describing how they spend their time and my money, that’s a trigger.


Key Questions to Reveal Why Running Your Health Business Seems So Hard

  • What do you need to communicate to others about working with you? 
  • What do you need in order to be productive? 
  • When you’re stressed you need….?
  • Are you detail oriented? Need lots of details to make a decision? Do you like to gather the details? 
  • Do you need data to make decisions? Do you want to be the one to collect the data?


If Running Your Health Business Seems So Hard, Try These: 

Tests like Kolbe, Color Code, Disk Personality, or the Ennigram can reveal how you make decisions but ultimately they point out why certain things irritate you, motivate you, drain you or inspire you. Most of us want more motivation and inspiration!  You also will learn how you relate to others or why you need them on your team to relate to customers that you cannot. 

You need them, but you also need to know that these people don’t communicate in the same way as you, and they could irritate you or vice versa. 

You’ve got to know when you need someone to clone you, meaning you’re going to have them do a job that you do really well and love, but now need to hand off to someone or need more hands on deck, and when you need a compliment. That is, you need someone good at things you’re not, who loves doing things you hate or that drain you.


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Debra Atkinson is a fitness expert and hormone balancing coach who empowers women in menopause to achieve energy and vitality through research-based exercise and lifestyle programs.

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