If you’re hoping to create a retreat or simply to deepen relationships and loyalty among your clients and members (as we all should) then you’ll love this.
From hosting retreats for more than a decade I learn something new every time. My retreats look very different from the first I hosted over a decade ago. And I’ve learned the most from my attendees after the retreat.
Having quiet time to journal on a trail and cooking together were two things suggested and requested.
Among the most fun activities we did during a recent 4 ½ day retreat was charades. We also held a team best shot putting competition. Though I also included a midnight trail ride through the desert, it was the charades and putting that they all talked about on the last day.
My Guest:
Joe Huff and his business partner Bridget Hilton are obsessed with experiences. As keynote speakers, co-authors of the book Experiential Billionaire and Treasure Maps card game, and self-proclaimed experiential guinea pigs, they are passionate about inspiring people to live intentional, regret-free lives by going after audacious goals. They’ve trained to be samurais, danced with the northern lights, tracked silverback gorillas in a hail storm, stood face-to-face with a hungry lion on safari, visited 50+ countries and all 50 states, absorbed life lessons from Maasai Mara tribesmen, built schools for kids in need, and explored the experiential riches life has to offer.
Questions we answer in this episode:
- How can fitness & health coaches help clients find a way to experience the world in a way they wouldn’t have been able to do and in doing so build a new revenue stream?
- What kind of retreat would you create if you were doing it – having had the experience as a personal trainer yourself?
- What would you leave out of a retreat?
- What kinds of activities would you include?
- Getting clients is one thing. Keeping them another. Relationships and loyalty building will be the reason for success in 2023 and beyond.
Connect with Bridget and Joe:
Website: https://www.experientialbillionaire.com/
On Social:
Other Episodes You Might Like:
How to Host a Wellness Retreat, and Why https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/staging/how-to-host-a-wellness-retreat/
How to Host a Successful Fitness Retreat https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/staging/successful-fitness-retreat/
New book titled “Experiential Billionaire” released September 12th, 2023 available on Amazon!
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