Want to scale and get my time back
How to solve the problem of cloning yourself
Business models better than simply replacing one-to-one with group coaching
How to structure your current offers in a way they can run without you
How to reach many more in the time you’re working and automate business when you’re playing
How to structure your coaching package for maximum profit.
How to do more of what you love and are best at and less of everything else
How to take what you have successfully done and amplify it
How to have the security of recurring revenue and freedom of time to spend it making memories
First, congrats on your success! You likely rolled up your sleeves, did the work and were in the right place at the right time so you got here. But what got you here won’t get you there. That’s not original but it’s absolutely true.
Right now, if you are feeling like you shouldn’t even be here because you don’t have time or you’d rather be doing something else… stop! Really! You have to DECIDE to break the cycle or tomorrow and next year will be the same. If you want this one life you have to have more meaning let’s agree right now that you can’t get everyone else’s lives better while yours could be better!