Successful Facebook Ad Strategies for Fitness & Health Coaches

FaceBook Ad Strategies may be something you’re burying your head in the sand about, something you’re trying to do yourself or something you just have to farm out due to time restrictions, but regardless, you need to know! 

My Facebook ad strategies have swung from me doing to me hiring poorly to me hiring wisely and that brings me to today’s episode. Full disclosure, I don’t share anything I don’t know like and trust with any community members. That’s whether we’re talking skincare, whole body vibration, or Facebook ad strategies. Today’s guest is my ads strategist or media buyer as you will hear her describe herself. 

We will cover how to grow traffic, increase leads (and therefore email list), and how to advertise to a paid service. 

My Guest:

As a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in growth and performance marketing, online sales, and digital advertising, Carrie has managed $25+ million in ad spend. Her expertise includes META Campaigns, specializing in Direct Response, eCommerce, Events, App Downloads, and Lead Generation. She excels in full-funnel conversion optimization, attribution tracking, and troubleshooting for the health and fitness industry, serving coaches, activewear brands, naturopaths, and doctors.

Questions We Answer in This Episode: 

  • What’s is the best strategy to improve performance if new to META ads. 
  • How would that differ for someone more experienced? 
  • (And let’s clarify, when we use the term new to META ads vs experienced – are we referring to the first time someone advertises or newer in business trying to build an audience and leads?)
  • What are Media Buyer Qualification Questions & Red Flags?
  • High-Performing Ads, Copy, Images to Resonate w/ Audience
  • What does a new-to-FB ads entrepreneur want to watch out for when hiring someone else to manage ads? 
  • Let’s define KPIs and what choices for goals and KPIs a listener would want to consider.
  • Goals & Defining KPIs. While always revenue, knowing if they need to build their audience first (website traffic, email, ect. before sales) 
  • Is there a difference in the cost of an ad to leads to a free or content-rich post in which you might have a native ad/opt-in embedded vs an ad direct to a sales page? 
  • Knowing we’re health & fitness professionals talk a little about claims, even simple things like use of the word “you” in ads that might get an ad rejected?

Connect with Carrie:

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Debra Atkinson is a fitness expert and hormone balancing coach who empowers women in menopause to achieve energy and vitality through research-based exercise and lifestyle programs.

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