Let’s be super clear. Better productivity is about getting more done in less time. THAT last little detail is very important!
Ever finish a busy day feeling like you’ve not really gotten anything knocked off your list that was important? You’re 3 questions away from better productivity! There are plenty of reasons why this happens.
I could lose 2 hours easily on Canva creating a single elaborate post for Instagram. I love to play with graphics and words and I’m good at it. That doesn’t mean I should be doing it before other things.
There are certain things we love to do and we’re drawn to them for one reason or another so we could be distracted by something unimportant all day and not really ever get to the things that matter.
In this time we’re in we all have so many things we want to do and that can fill our time. You have to remember that while you’ll have times when you do need to roll your sleeves up and do the work, you have to find the white space too. That is the time when you’ll be most creative and inspired and without that, girl, your light will go out. Don’t let that happen.
3 Questions to Better Productivity:
· Does it generate revenue immediately?
· Does it generate leads immediately?
· Does it just matter today or will it matter next year?
There’s more though.
What’s the MVP of anything you’re doing. That is, the Minimum Viable Product. And is that enough? If this is an evergreen product you’re going to use for years and you are sharing with your partners, then your MVP is going to be far higher and require more time and energy.
But if this is a quick lift to something that is a one-off… then a lower MVP, say for a handout or a cheat sheet at a masterclass or a surprise asset in a zoom for coaching clients, might be enough.
Here’s an example of my Wednesday in real time.
Tasks I had to do:
· Post on Instagram
· Complete promotional content for 3 products for our affiliates
· Review our Team SOPs for the month
· Review our new podcast manager’s posts
· Work on next month’s Gift Guide
· Create the Recipes & Challenge for our Membership
· Reorganize some content within our membership
The real question may not be where on a to-do list these things go but whether you should be doing them. If you or someone on your team are doing a lot of tasks that don’t lead directly to revenue or lead generation (aka, growing your email list), then how are you measuring successful completion of job responsibilities? Every position should have a list of success or KPIs, that the hired agrees they will be able to complete and they will report weekly to you.
This makes it easy to have them begin determining their own questions for better productivity. If it’s not going to help them achieve the measures of success for their role, then they should think twice about doing it. If it doesn’t generate revenue or leads but increases expenses, they should think about that. The numbers don’t lie. So, in your weekly goal of spending more productive but potentially less overall time, you have to be deferring to numbers. Know the revenue from a promotion, leads generated per lead magnet or freebie, and your email list growth.
So, let’s come back to this list of questions you can use to determine whether something that needs to be done should be done by you.
3 More Questions to Ask that Will Lead to Better Productivity:
· What is your time worth?
· How much would you have to pay someone else to do this job?
· Could someone else do this better than you for less than you?
*I have to admit this so in case you too do this, while I was making the notes here, and including the list of things to do, I wanted to continue to add to it. Stop yourself from doing that. You know just because there are 24 lines on a yellow legal pad, you don’t have to fill that entire page that says Monday. And there’s an infinite number of slots on a spreadsheet if that’s what you’re using. Don’t do that. Consider that you are an employee. What would they say if you gave them all that for a day? Goodbye comes to mind!
Questions about pricing, offers, how long a funnel to promote a program? These are all answered in real time in hotseat format with the WELLPROS mastermind & mentorship. Last week after the first session, a member reported she had two new sales and 6 consult appointments booked within 2 days of the meeting.
Right now, you can still join for the Founder’s Rate of $49/month (regularly $79) – extended one last week. It’s month-to-month, no obligation. If you’re getting the answers, putting them into action and getting results you’ll want to stay and rinse and repeat.
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